Javier del Pino, on his show A vivir que son dos días, treated us to a fantastic interview which even included live coverage of a game of ultimate… Once again we got the chance to publicize the sport on the radio waves, and we’ve already heard from lots of people that were listening.
Cadena Ser, thanks for inviting us!
The segment Esto no es Carrusel is about giving the listener a chance to learn about sports besides football. In an extensive interview with our captain and coach Justin (about 25 minutes), Javier del Pino touches on many topics including the origin of Ultimate Frisbee in the United States, its history in Spain, the rules of play and much more. Meanwhile other Q+D set up an improvised game of Ultimate Frisbee in Madrid’s Plaza de la Luna, with live play-by-play. Antonio Castelo, a frequent guest on the program, also had a chance to get in on the fun. After receiving a quick introduction to the sport and a few pointers, he joined one of the teams. This is undoubtedly one of our best radio interviews so far.
Take a couple minutes and listen in on the fun!
You can also listen to it here.