We’re back, baby! After 18 very difficult months, this week we’ve taken another step towards normality, starting our schedule of three practices a week. We’re already looking forward to a lot of things this season, like:


Calentando para jugar Ultimate

This season we have three practices per week of varying levels. There are opportunities for new players (on Thursdays for beginners), for veteran players (on Mondays for high level players) and for the competitive team (on closed Wednesdays). We’ve also adjusted the dues system to give members more flexibility to train at their own pace.

On top of the Thursday practices for beginners, there will be some events for starting women’s ultimate  in October.


Thank goodness for Ultimate tournaments! In just the first few months of the season, we’ve got Calafell Arena 2021, Beach Ultimate Regionals (Valencia), XeQueBo (Valencia) and the Madrid Ultimate International Cup. We can’t wait to see the pull go up, and to see and play against old friends!


As always, we’ll continue to promote and teach the sport of Ultimate throughout the Community of Madrid in order to share this hobby that we adore with more and more people.

Follow us on this website (or on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook) to see all stuff we have planned.

And if you’ve ever thought about joining the team or trying out Ultimate Frisbee, now is the time! Feel free to write to us to get started ASAP 😎

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